Pyjama Parties Are Not Just for Kids

Pyjama Parties Are Not Just for Kids Rawbought Je Dors Pyjama Collection for Men, Women and Kids

Growing up, pyjama parties were one of the few times we could be with our friends in a non-school setting, allowing us to forge lifelong friendships. As grownups, hanging out with our friends looks a little different – bottomless brunches, dinners, club nights and so on. Being social in public, however, can take a lot of energy, something that we might not have enough of sometimes. For the introverts, tired souls and those just looking for some hot gossip without the frills, pyjama parties are the best way to meet your friends, catch up on life and celebrate lifelong sisterhood. Here’s why we think pyjama parties are not just for kids, us adults deserve them too!

Catch Up on Life

Working adults, especially those with children, know how little time we get to ourselves. Being up to date with each other’s lives through regular texting or meetups can quite literally be impossible to organise amongst a group. Having a night in pyjamas at a friend’s place and the next morning off with your girlfriends occasionally, allows you to catch up on everything that you’ve missed in each other’s lives without having to rush.

Pick a quiet night, or rope your partner/relatives into babysitting, and make a night out of it. Especially if you’re a mum, spending some time with your friends and peers your own age will remind you of your identity outside of your household responsibilities.

Stress Relief

Having a big old rant about relationships, work drama and other inconveniences in life is extremely cathartic. Releasing your pent-up emotions will definitely make you feel a lot lighter, and less lonely about your problems, after you’ve let it all out with your girlfriends.

Need a dramatic flair or some extra laughs? Mix in a little alcohol to loosen your tongues and watch your friends show their true selves!

Strengthens Friendship

As the night progresses and everyone gets more comfortable in their pyjamas, conversations will inevitably move beyond catching up on the day-to-day lives. Secrets, fears and challenges will be shared, tears will be shed, and comfort and reassurances will be doled out in copious amounts. This shared experience is something that you will cherish in years to come and bring you closer to one another. Your bond as friends will be that much stronger, a very rare thing to come by as adults.

What Do You Need for A Pyjama Party for Adults

Planning a pyjama party with your friends? Here’s what you’ll need to make a memorable one!

Pyjamas – what’s a pyjama party without some cute PJs! Shop a wide range of styles, colours and sizes right here at, there’s something for everyone!

Snacks – Listening to your girlfriends share some piping hot gossip needs some tasty snacks and finger food to go along with it. Fries, chips, candies, popcorn – something preferably easy to clean up, because who knows how the night will change!

Drinks – If you and your girl group are the types to need some liquid courage to loosen up and relax, alcohol needs to be flowing freely all through the night! Wine for the classy ones, tequila shots for the wild ones and home-made cocktails for those with a sweet tooth. Looking to avoid alcohol? Get creative and make some home-made mocktails, or keep it simple with juices and soft drinks.

Activities – Need an activity to go along with your tea-spilling session? Relive your youth with some board games, movie marathons or art jams. Cook up a storm together as amateur chefs to prepare dinner and other nosh for the night.

Most importantly, keep your phones off and just enjoy each other’s company!

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